Pharmacies have to be careful about compliance, or they could be charged with and even convicted of fraud related to Medicare or another government program. Fraud can occur at every level of a pharmacy; even pharmacy employees can commit fraud. Because of this, it’s important to implement an effective pharmacy compliance program.

There are two main reasons for implementing a pharmacy compliance program. The first is to hold individual employees accountable and the second is to hold the pharmacy as a whole accountable.

Even if the compliance program doesn’t end up preventing an illegal act by one of the employees, its existence could prove that the pharmacy does not condone illegal behavior. Basically, the program’s existence could help prove that the pharmacy itself is not responsible for the employee’s actions (whether intentional or accidental).

Features of a Pharmacy Compliance Program

Every pharmacy compliance program should include the following:

  1. A policy – The pharmacy’s compliance policy should be distributed throughout the company. Include it in the company bylaws, the employee handbook and other corporate documents.
  2. A training program – Require that employees take training sessions that cover fraud, HIPAA, OSHA, the Stark Law and kickback laws.
  3. Enforcement of the policy – Clearly indicate the consequences of violations, and be sure to enforce the rules consistently.

All pharmacies should implement a compliance program. With decades of experience in pharmacy operations, AlphaScrip possesses the resources and expertise to help your pharmacy achieve success and avoid pitfalls.